Plano 3500 Parts Box with Adjustable Dividers 9-18" x 5" x 1-1/4"

$4.19 $4.99


Plano 3500 Pro Latch Stowaway with adjustable dividers. Four dividers create 5-9 adjustable compartments. 3 rows of compartments, 1 row with 3 fixed compartments 2-7/8" x 1-3/8 (2 have portions narrowed to 1-1/8" wide because of latches) 2 rows 8-3/4" long x 1-3/8" with divider slots every 1-7/16" Transparent for quick and easy identification of contents.

Plano 3500 Parts Box with adjustable dividers Plano 3500 PROLATCH STOWAWAY 5-9 Adjustable Compartments.

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